Remember when blogs were raw, unfiltered windows into someone’s mind?

Yeah, those days are long gone.

Now we’re drowning in an ocean of SEO-optimized garbage. Every “blog post” reads like it was written by the same soulless AI, regurgitating keywords to climb Google’s rankings.

What we used to write in a few sentences now gets dragged out over many paragraphs so that you scroll through 16 banner ads (I am talking about you, WebMD).

It’s a tragedy, really.

The SEO game

What happened? Simple:

  • Google became the gatekeeper of the internet
  • Marketers realized they could game the system
  • Content farms sprouted like weeds

Now, instead of passionate creators sharing their thoughts, we have armies of underpaid writers churning out “10 Ways to Boost Your Productivity (You Won’t Believe #7!)”

The death of authenticity

High-quality blogs exist, but they are impossible to find in the sea of “personal” blogs trying to sell you something.

  • Affiliate links? Check.
  • Pop-up newsletter signup? Check.
  • Carefully curated personal brand? Double check.

It’s exhausting.

Want to stand out in this wasteland of mediocrity? Here’s a radical idea: Write like a human being.

Will you top Google’s search results? Probably not.

But you might just create something worth reading. That is more impactful than $0.01 per impression.

Some of my personal favorites are: